
Full Arch Therapy Prevention and Management of Complications - 401


Course Description

Full arch implant reconstruction with overdentures and “All on X” approaches has become widely utilized, globally. An understanding of treatment planning surgery and prosthetic principles enhance short and long-time success. Although success rates are high, minor and major complications can be associated with full arch reconstruction. This program will take a deep dive into the prevention and treatment of prosthetic and surgical complications associated with overdentures and the “All on X’ approach. Case presentations will demonstrate comprehensive complication management in a step-by-step manner.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the indications for implant reconstruction with overdentures versus the “All on X” approach.

  • Prevent short and long term surgical and prosthetic complications.

  • Learn step-by-step surgical prosthetic procedures to maximize long term positive outcomes.

  • Treat implant complications utilizing predictable surgical and prosthetic principles.

  • Review case presentations that will reinforce implant complications and their management in a time and cost-effective manner.


Education Passport

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*2-year membership

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