
Cytoplast Anterior Titanium reinforced d-PTFE Non-Resorbable Membrane Size: 14x24mm - 1 Membrane/Box

SKU# TI250AS-1

Non-Resorbable Membrane/Cytoplast™ Ti250

Non-resorbable - High-Density PTFE Membrane

    Cytoplast Titanium Reinforced Non Resorbable membranes This membrane is ideal for narrow single-tooth extraction sites, especially where one or more bony walls are missing. Dimensions: 14x24mm Quantity: 1 membranes/ box

    • Non Resorbable: no disruption of healing due to premature resorption

    • Made from dense PTFE with titanium insert: pore size less than 0.3μm which is impervious to bacteria

    • Primary closure not required: membrane easily removed

    • Malleable titanium insert: ideal for creating space in defects missing 1-3 bony walls

    • Comes in a variety of site specific shapes and can be easily trimmed to fit site

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